A site I haven't listed yet, but should, is Skepticalscience. They've now made a iPhone app from their web site materials. App is at:
Their introduction of the app is here:
Main page is, naturally http://www.skepticalscience.com
If anyone is an iPhone user and gets the app, let us know what you think. I have heard good things already, but I don't think from the local readers.
This reminds me of a couple things ...
What are good climate science blogs that I haven't got listed already?
What are good climate science web sites that I haven't already listed? (I expect a much longer list here.)
Please note: They should be about the science, places where you might see an informed discussion of, say, why the author thinks we don't or shouldn't expect more severe snow storms along with climate change (as happened with Only in it for the Gold). Michael and I disagree, but it's an informed disagreement. Places that agree with me are also fair game.
Slate Mini Crossword for Jan. 22, 2025
50 minutes ago
Certainly, SkepticalScience.
My tastes have become dependent ones. I use your present blog- roll to find who has recently posted...since I last checked. They lead me to DeepClimate and DeSmogBlog.
ClimateProgress is a special case. I go there first, anyway, for the political (etc.) stuff not available elsewhere...and sometimes get beyond the headlines.
I can imagine that there will be many users who will skip over the site because of its depressing news from Washington; to escape into issues, and the silliness of the skeptics. But this is no more of a hurdle than the non-climate blogs in the blogroll...or RealClimate.
Looks like CCE moved his site, which is one of my favorite places to direct people who want a primer on the evidence for global warming.
Not a blog with regular new posts on whatever the latest nonsense making the rounds is, but instead basically an online book you can read straight through in a day and have a pretty good understanding of the issue, the evidence, and what's wrong with the most common denier claims.
It's awesome, Robert. The Web site in your hand at the ready for battle with virulent sceptics. Marc Morano en garde!
Oh and nice CO2 temp correlation post. Top flight.
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